Hurm.. Convodinner was superbly fun! Che Det was so supportive and Virtuoso rawks as usual. Will give u guys more update bout the nite but 1st of all I just want to list stuffs i need to do after hecticly involved in training and rehersals for the convodinner~
10. Mahu belajar main violin. Jari-jari dah keras ni boleh belajar lagi ke? :P
9. Pegi ke Singapore and Phuket bersama2 Hairuddin. Really need a breakaway. Berangin-angin bayu luar negara pulak. huhu
8. Mahu membuat pro-cons list of buying a new handphone.
7. Pegi pertandingan pidato kemerdekaan final di UPM dan moga2 menang tenpat pertama. Mahu buat diri sendiri, keluarga, kawan2 n UTP bangga. tp sebelum tu kene siapkan all the facts and contents laa. juga mahu mantapkan gaya persembahan.
6. Nak balik sahur pertama di rumah. OMG, convo2 ni sgt sentimental n merindui kluarga.
5. Layan Abby yg dari hari tu ckp nk kikis duit aku bila blk ke Malaysia. ehhe
4. Straighten up my life. Banyak sgt konflik hidup and crushes yg xbape wajar terjadi. Should review back all the events that happened and make a change here n there.
3. Pegi kelas selalu. hahaha..ntah bape bnyk kelas da burn since bukak sem hr tu.
2. Jog like hell. I am so 'berisi' (i will never use the 'f' word, trust me! :P) rite now. Will make sure i lose at least 5kg. ceewah..
1. Kemas bilik! OMG, bilik i da mcm tongkang pecah. Ehem2 jugak utk rumet yg bz jadik PnP convofair tu.. ehehhe
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Minggu Yang Terbusy~
(sila nyanyi tajuk di atas dgn nada lagu 'Awan yang Terpilu' smbil tarik key Kak Ning)
my dreams are coming true a week from now
dis saturday, i'll be singing for Convodinner.. in front of Tun Dr. Mahathir, our own Che Det!
The excited Virtuoso! Blkg dr kiri: Duck, Mizi, Am, Jeff, Oli & Dzq. Dpn dr kiri: Me, Lina & Ernie. Sorang2 vogue kat dpn: Kak Ilmi
next tuesday, i'll be one of the 5 finalist in the English Category of Pidato Kemerdekaan Peringkat IPT 2008
it'll be a busy week n it's gonna be hard for me to keep updating this blog. ohhh, x sempat nk tulis psl pusingan awal and separuh akhir pidato kat uitm weekend hr tu pun. but however it is.. myer, syukri, fairuz, safi, oh guan seng, rahimi, adam, deephan and kama.. it has been a blast knowing u guys the entire competition hari tu! seronok klu dpt bersama2 lg waktu finale di UPM nnt.
my dreams are coming true a week from now
dis saturday, i'll be singing for Convodinner.. in front of Tun Dr. Mahathir, our own Che Det!
next tuesday, i'll be one of the 5 finalist in the English Category of Pidato Kemerdekaan Peringkat IPT 2008
it'll be a busy week n it's gonna be hard for me to keep updating this blog. ohhh, x sempat nk tulis psl pusingan awal and separuh akhir pidato kat uitm weekend hr tu pun. but however it is.. myer, syukri, fairuz, safi, oh guan seng, rahimi, adam, deephan and kama.. it has been a blast knowing u guys the entire competition hari tu! seronok klu dpt bersama2 lg waktu finale di UPM nnt.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Dance in the Rain
rain is a blessing. rain can be a disaster
u can like rain, or u may hate it
I was sleeping this afternoon, and had a dream
we were all walking solemnly to somewhere and it started to rain.
suddenly, one of us step into a pothole and water in it splashed to the others
the solemn mood changed, and we started to be playful in the rain
we're dancing in a blessing, or we're making the best out of the disaster...
u can like rain, or u may hate it
I was sleeping this afternoon, and had a dream
we were all walking solemnly to somewhere and it started to rain.
suddenly, one of us step into a pothole and water in it splashed to the others
the solemn mood changed, and we started to be playful in the rain
we're dancing in a blessing, or we're making the best out of the disaster...
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